Delivery Terms:           Free-on-board; Durban; South Africa
Quantity Available:  45 000 metric tons for 12 (twelve) months with extentions
Price per Ton:            $ 136.00
First delivery:              From 10 May 2012


Commodity name: IRON ORE

Chemical Properties (On A Dry Basis)

Expected (%)                      Maximum (%)

Fe 65% basis.                        63% Rejection

SiO2                                       2.61

Al2O3                                    1.18

S                                              0.011

P                                              0.045

Ti                                              0.08

Moisture                                0.12%

Physical Properties


0 10 mm 10%

10mm – 50mm 90%

0 – 50mm 100%

1 comment:

  1. We are a Trading house, Radiant International, would be interested in knowing more about your company and dealing in Iron Ore. Please mail your detail to : Ms. Phalguni Mukherjee, email id: phalguni.mukherjee@theradiantworld.com, Mobile no. +91 9831984499. Thanks. please also give you email id to take it forward,
